
Did you know?
That 90% of data in the world was generated over the last two years?
It's said that data is the new oil, but refining it makes it valuable,
and visualising your data's story gives it purpose.

  • ๐Ÿงช Data Distillation - Consolidation Processing, translation, mapping, formatting, filtering, aggregation, indexing and summarisation
    That's a lot of buzz words - in essence, the distillation process cleans your data to sieve through for gold
    This is important as incorrect or inconsistent data may lead to false conclusions
  • โš’๏ธ Construction - Data Modelling Taking the latest and greatest tools, mathematical methods and processes to build your shiny new data lake house on a firm bedrock of information and market knowledge
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Story telling - with a purpose Telling your data's story in a graphical representation of information and knowledge so you can garner wisdom.

    ๐Ÿง Understand trends, outliers and patterns in your data in a graphical format. Empower your data journey with expert insights and personalised visual solutions.

The Data Distillery